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So, Ed, we're eager to learn what you learned. Ed, Ask Emily if the One-Stop system could partner with NAM in providing the MCSC testing at our sites? Thanks Jim McShane Thanks Ed for the update!
I have justTwitteredthe news about this good work on innovation, education and workforce development.
Created 1/22/09 by Bronwyn Mauldin Have you seen the new White House website? Categorized as Tools and Products. Tagged with blog, department of labor, government 2.0, obama, social networking and white house. Created 10/29/08 by Ed Morrison Education Council at the National Association of Manufacturers Categorized as Talent Development. Tagged with k-12, manufacturing, regional collaboration and university. Updated 10/28/08 by Ed Morrison Small steps to cross boundaries Categorized as Partnerships and Talent Development. Not tagged. |
I am familiar with this initiative and applaud it. An expansion of the concept would be to have the business' employees mentor students in specific content areas on a more regular basis. There are companies around the US that already do this but not as many as would be desirable. …